Our wealth advisors specialize in identifying and unlocking investment opportunities that are uniquely suited for a UHNW individual’s investment portfolio. We unite an innovative approach to portfolio development and management with the in-depth understanding that we gain regarding a client’s goals and strategies. In every case, Banc Star Financial’s solutions are tailored to the client’s needs and expectations. Each client decides the extent to which decisions are delegated to our expert wealth advisors, who work tirelessly to build and maintain the partnership that makes them the objective sounding board for new opportunities and directions. We do not let the structure of that partnership cloud our advice, and we remove the emotion from every decision with analysis based on many years of knowledge and experience.  Banc Star Financial’s proprietary analytical tools and technology are a key component in our objective analysis, and our advisors add their keen personal insights to create investment recommendations that merge the best of technology and human evaluation. 
For UHNW clients that need full-time and in-depth investment services, Banc Star Financial will designate a wealth advisor to fulfill the chief investment officer role on the client’s behalf. Our industry-leading reputation and international relationships with investment, merchant, and commercial banks enable our advisors to define strategies that optimize investments in every jurisdiction with risk management that fits the client’s specific profile. Our chief information officer services include daily monitoring of investment performance to seize opportunities when they become available and to limit adverse effects on a portfolio from downturns in any industry or market sector.

UHNW Family Services

Successful and lasting family legacies are created over a period of years. Our wealth management team utilizes the partnership pillar of its service offerings to build and support those legacies. We strive to understand not just an individual client’s wealth management goals and strategies, but also the needs and desires of key family members and how those needs and desires fit into a greater picture that reflects common values and shared family identities. 

We craft family office wealth management solutions that have the strength and flexibility to respond to markets and regulatory, political, and taxation changes. We develop mechanisms to identify and resolve conflicts before they paralyze the growth and development of a family legacy. We facilitate conversations that lead to tangible growth and development plans for successive generations of family leaders. Our knowledge and expertise lead to solutions that strengthen family bonds, both within and apart from the context of a family business.

Every closely-held family business can thrive and grow across generations provided it is formed around common values and is complemented by strategic business governance mechanisms. Banc Star Financial specializes in providing UHNW clients the tools that are required to navigate the challenges of combining businesses and investments with family dynamics in ways that respond to today’s challenges and that prepare for tomorrow’s opportunities.